



The IUD is a small, T-shaped, plastic and copper device that is placed in the womb (uterus). It's sometimes called a ‘coil’ or ‘copper coil’. It has no hormones, it releases copper to stop you getting pregnant, and protects against pregnancy for between 5 and 10 years.

If you are interested in having the IDU/Coil fitted, we recommend that you watch this short film. 

If you would like to discuss this method of contraception, please call and book a Coil Pre-Assessment appointment.

If you are considering the IUD/Coil, you must book a telephone Coil Pre-Assessment with one of our clinicians. Once you have had your pre-assessment and you and the clinician are happy to go ahead with the procedure, and you have definitely decided to go forwards with this method of contraception, you will be given an appointment for the fitting which is usually within the next month. DO NOT stop your current method of contraception unless you have been told to do so. Please clarify with clinician when having your pre assessment call. However, it is usually to be continued until one week after the fitting. 


On the day of the procedure

  • No children are to attend the appointment.
  • Do not arrange to have your coil fitted if you have an important commitment the same day (in case you feel uncomfortable afterwards and/or need to stay in the surgery for a while after the fitting).
  • Please make sure you have had something to eat and drink before you arrive.
  • To help with the discomfort take some painkillers either 2 Ibuprofen (400mg in total) OR 3 Paracetamol (1500mg in total) after food an hour before you arrive. We will always use lidocaine numbing spray as a local anesthetic which does reduce any discomfort.
  • The clinician will try to fit the device you asked for but sometimes other factors such as your anatomy and medical history may mean they will advise something different.
  • We ask you to use sanitary towels (not tampons) for the first week after the fitting.
  • After the fitting you should continue to use the pill / condoms / abstain for 1 week.

For more information, please visit the NHS website 

Newton Place is a training practice. This means that there may sometimes occasionally be a qualified doctor who may be male or female working alongside the Newton Place Practice doctor at your appointment