About the Patient Participation Group




The PPG's objective is primarily to improve the patient experience at Newton Place Surgery but also to participate in activities in the wider National Health Service in order to give the patient's viewpoint to changes being made or proposed.

PPG Image


Every NHS practice is obliged to support a Patient Participation Group.

The broad aim of a PPG is to ensure that patients’ interests are heard and, where appropriate, challenge the way in which services are delivered to patients. PPGs are supported by their GP practices but are independent of them, able to decide how they can help to improve patient experience.

We have regular meetings with the representatives of GP’s and staff. These meetings are managed by the PPG members, who agree what is to be discussed. Using patient surveys and informal feedback, members are then able to bring to the meetings any patient concerns over systems or developments and ensure they are fully explored.

It should be noted that the PPG cannot influence clinical matters or concerns or complaints raised by, or on behalf of, individual patients.

As volunteers, we help the practice when it is appropriate and possible, for example, with flu clinics. We offer advice on patient communication and share any feedback we receive from patients, especially when changes are needed or proposed. We keep in touch with the other PPG in the town and with those in the wider area, whilst also keeping up to date with local and national issues that may affect health services locally.

However, we need to have as wide a range of representation of patients as possible - if the future health of you and your family is important to you, think about the Patient Participation Group!

We are re-instating our virtual group (VPPG). Membership of this group simply involves receiving information and requesting feedback and opinions on specific topics. This is all online so does not involve commitment to meetings but makes sure your voice is heard.